Saturday, July 25, 2020

Medibanks FlexBetter program makes the little things in life easier, and thats a big deal for me.

Medibanks FlexBetter program makes the little things in life easier, and that’s a big deal for me. As the Communications Adviser for Medibank’s Garrison Health Services and a mum of three primary school aged daughters, Jennifer Ramsay explains why FlexBetter means a lot to her. I joined Medibank just over 12 months ago and it’s the small adjustments FlexBetter makes possible that help me to meet and manage the demands of family life. My first experience with FlexBetter was in my initial interview. It was refreshing to discuss my whole life and that both my work and my family are important aspects of who I am. Initially, I must admit that I was skeptical, but my experience over the past year has lived up to that interview discussion. The reality is that I’m working in a supportive work environment and I’ve integrated work and family life, which has improved both. Occasionally I start work early so I can finish early and take the kids to an appointment after school hours. I enjoy starting early and getting a jump on the day anyway. It feels good to get a couple of tasks locked away in the morning. Jen with Canberra team members On the days I cycle to work I wear clothes that are comfortable for riding and suit the office too. I live pretty close to the Canberra office so in the mornings I ride past the school, drop the kids at the gate and continue to the office. It means that both the kids and I include some exercise in the day. If you’re interested in cycling to work, I’ve written an article about how to ride to work and stay stylish. Changing up routine by riding to school/work Last week one of my daughters received an award at Friday assembly so I popped over to the school to see it. I had to wear sunglasses because I always tear up in those moments. It’s pretty emotional â€" in a good way. Jen’s daughter receiving her award at school! These are important examples of some small adjustments that have helped me in a big way to integrate work and life. Jen and her daughter getting involved in Parkrun on the weekends I think Medibank is a real employment leader with FlexBetter. My husband has seen how my life can accommodate a great job where I feel satisfied and engaged and I have the flexibility to be there for the family at crucial times. He has since arranged to start and finish early occasionally with his own employer and he’s happier at work and spending more time with the kids as a result. Not only has FlexBetter supported me to work in a job I enjoy and be more productive, it’s improved my family life and the message is spreading to other workplaces. I’m really excited that the changes I see happening for people at work today mean that my daughters can look forward to working in an environment that supports their whole lives. This article was originally published on the  Medibank blog,  and is republished for our community with kind permission.

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